Sometimes saying "yes" can lead to priceless memories. That was this weekend when Juliet ask if she could paint her little pumpkin and her big pumpkin pink.
Last week I went on Pumpkin Patch field trip with Juliet and her school. It was fun, watching Juliet and her classmates reaction to the different farm animals. It was also good to talk to some other moms. At the pumpkin patch Juliet pick out her small pumpkin.
Then Thursday a family friend bought her a medium size pumpkin and brought it over. That night after are night routine Juliet ask if she paint her pumpkins. I sad "yes".
We had left over pink paint from another project we need.
On Friday we painted the pumpkins pink. We had so much. While we waited for the pumpkins to dry we went for a walk to my favorite spot.
Juliet had a 3 day weekend. With Friday being a teacher's work day. We had a fun and relaxing weekend.
As you all know this upcoming Friday is Halloween. Then Daylight Saving Time ends November 2.