Sunday, October 26, 2014

Juliet's Big Pink Pumpkin

     Sometimes saying "yes" can lead to priceless memories.  That was this weekend when Juliet ask if she could paint her little pumpkin and her big pumpkin pink.

    Last week I went on Pumpkin Patch field trip with Juliet and her school. It was fun, watching Juliet and her classmates reaction to the different farm animals.  It was also good to talk to some other moms. At the pumpkin patch Juliet pick out her small pumpkin. 

      Then Thursday a family friend bought her a medium size pumpkin and brought it over. That night after are night routine Juliet ask if she paint her pumpkins.  I sad "yes".

          We had left over pink paint from another project we need.

        On Friday we painted the pumpkins pink. We had so much. While we waited for the pumpkins to dry we went for a walk to my favorite spot.

        Juliet had a 3 day weekend.  With Friday being a teacher's work day. We had a fun and relaxing weekend. 

        As you all know this upcoming Friday is Halloween. Then Daylight Saving Time ends November 2.


Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Rain Over Me

    I love the rain.  I am not sure I can explain why. I love the sound has it hits the sound. I enjoy rain to the fullest.

     My love for rain has been passed on to my daughter Juliet.  She loves jumping in the puddles. Running in the run. She loves hearing the thunder.

       I love moments I get to spend Wyeth Juliet in the rain or shortly after it rains. Splashing in puddles, the seasonal creek(only a few inches deep), dancing in the rain.....the list can go on.

     Some might say I am crazy for how much I love the rain, honestly it not something I can really explain.  We all have things we love that we can't explain why.

Instagram: dancing_with_love

Monday, October 13, 2014

New Beginnings

     Every day you wake up is new beginning.  New hope.  Sometimes the problems from the day before fallow to the next day. The new days gives you a chance to solve your problems from the day before with a new outlook.

      Everyday is a blessing.  Everyday is a chance to do something new. Monday's are a beginning of a new week. When your alarm goes off in the morning you are blessed with another day.

     I get it's hard to be positive and thankful everyday.  There is stress...problems. ..but all those are just temporary. 

       I am still working on being positive everyday.  Looking on the bright side. Not being so negative at times.

       I am not perfect.  I will be the first to admit there are days I don't want to get out bed. Yet I do, and move forward.

     Today....even though it is Monday.  And weekend is over. Be grateful that you have today.

    Today I will choose to be thankful.  Thankful to walk my daughter to her bus stop and wait with her(like I do Monday-Friday) at her bus stop while we read one of her books and take silly pictures.  I will be thankful that I can walk up to my daughter's bus stop and wait for my daughter to get off the bus this afternoon. 

      I will be thankful for Today.

Instagram: dancing_with_love